This site is dedicated to all the members of the Burbank Muzzle Loaders club. There are members from when the club was located in the Saugus/Newhall area, to new members that have only known the Piru area. No matter how long or how short you have been a member, this is a site for you. Hopefully, it will bring in some new people who would like to know more about muzzle loading, and did not know where to ask questions or find a place to shoot close to them. This is a club full of wonderful and helpful men, and women!!


Burbank Muzzleloaders February Newsletter

Burbank Muzzle loaders

Newsletter February 2025


We lost an old time member as Eli Colvin passed away late in January. He had not been out for some time but enjoyed receiving the newsletter . Both he and Ivy were beset with endless health issues the past few years. Ivy sends her love for the card and well wishes of the members.

Jeff Eley has had twenty five club patches made up based on the old original so see Tom or Sam at the range if you would like to get one at 12.00 each.

Sunday the 9th was our silhouette match with Steve Whitt 14 hits and a five chicken pin. He declined to go for 10 or chicken record of 29, Jannu Lorentzon 9 Flintlock, Sam Baseman 9, Stanley Levin 8, Lee Bowman 8, John Clevenger 6, Steve Heller 4 Flintlock, Joe K. and Tom Trevor 4.

March will have two trail walks March 9th will be our cartridge trail walk and march 30th will be a 5th Sunday trail walk.


Looks like the rains have finally arrived.


See you at the range. Tom

Shooter of the Year

Stanley Sam Lee John Merritt Jannu L Eric B. Steve Witt Steve Heller Jeff Eley Jon Eley Rick Welle EthanWelle
January - Shooter Year 12 8 16 20 4
February - Silhouette 7 8 5 5 9 13 4
March - Cart. Walk-Thru 7 11 18 16 18 10 13 9
April - Silhouette
May - Musket
June - Silhouette
July - Benchrest
August - Silhouette
September - Springfield Rifle
October - Silhouette
November - Turkey
x-mas shoot
Trail walk
Total 14 31 13 23 0 41 0 51 18 13 9 0 0
stanley Sam Lee John Merritt Jannu L Eric B. Steve Whitt Steve Heller Jeff Eley Jon Eley Rick Welle Ethan Welle




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    Tom Trevor

    Sam Baseman
    Vice President