Burbank Muzzleloaders June Newsletter
June 8th was our silhouette match. Ten shooters, count ‘em, TEN showed up to compete for pins, cash, and glory. Once all the bang and clatter was over, the results were; Sam Baseman first, with a score of 11 followed by Jannu Lorentsen with 9 and Alan Ellish with 7. John Clevenger and Sam Baseman each earned a ten-in-a-row pin for chickens and pigs, respectively. All in all it was a very nice day, with good attendance and great weather.
Sorry about the late notice, but we will be having a work party on June 22nd. So if you get this in time, come on out and help spruce up our range.
July 29th will be a “fifth Sunday”, and you all should know what that means,…..Trail walk! Come on out with about thirty rounds, and walk along our trail of “trial and tribulation” stopping periodically to test your rifleman skills at steel targets placed at various distances along the way. It’s always a challenge!
On July the 6th, we are gonna have a small cookout at the range, with hot dogs, sodas, and other 4th of July fare. If you wish to bring something, talk to Tom Trevor, and he’ll let you know what we need.
July 13th will be the annual “Any Gun Bench Match” sponsored by John Clevenger.
This as a paper target bench match, and you can compete with any gun you wish. Be it flint, cap ‘n ball, cartridge, pistol or rifle, you can shoot it in this match. The only restrictions are, it has to be a black powder firearm, with an exposed hammer. Bring forty or so rounds, and you should be set.
That’s all for now, until next time, See You At The Range
Burbank Muzzleloaders, The Place To Shoot!
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